It's freezing! Blasting cold wind! Just like Monday. Yesterday was nice. Back and forth, thats how it's been for over a month now! I sure hope that baseball season isn't freezing cold like last season. It took everything from me to sit and freeze in it. I'm that kind of mom. This year will be harder though, I don't think I will get to see all the games, now that he's on the high school Frosh team, they will be leaving early from school traveling sometimes an hour away. I guess those games I'll miss. I asked him if he would be upset, and he said no, that actually he won't be as nervous. I make him nervous????? why???? I'm just mom, who knows NOTHING and is proud of him no matter what!!! I would scream and cheer him on even if he ran the wrong way around the bases!!! c'mon Christopher!!!!! Your momma loves you!
I hope ya'll had a great Valentines day! Yummy Husband and I celebrated it on Saturday night since he would be away during the week. We had a wonderful time. We were kidless, they were all at the ex's. On Monday night, Christopher was up to something using cardstock, and I secretly got all excited thinking they were in there making me a valentine. ha. joke on me. Turns out they were in there making a valentine alright, but not for me, for Christophers girly friend. They were making a sign to hang out the window of the car when she pulled in the parking lot at school. pffft! he's almost 15, what did I expect? but Scotty didn't let me down....he snuck this in to me after school......came in my room, said "you got mail" and ran out. I thought he was mimicking my AOL because it had just sent a file...but no, when I turned it over I saw it was a Valentine. aaaaahhhhhh I made him come back in for kisses and hugs which he HATES because he's had no affection like that his whole life. so he's not used to it.
Later that night....I took the boys out for Juice It Up. I didn't feel like spending money on candy and cards, and they are always begging for Juice It Up. Thumbs up for me!
I worked crazy on dolls yesterday trying to finish them before it got dark. That didn't happen. Got a little sidetracked by my neighbor (who I barely know) drama at their house, cops involved.....looked like my house was the issue. eeeeekkkk. all I will say is ladies, don't let your men lay a hand on you!!!! You don't deserve it and they will go to jail!
so late last night, i finally finished all my dolls! I was throwing teaser pics on my ROA facebook page all night and everyone was just so sweet!!!!! Love ya'll! If your not a fan of my facebook page, make sure you are, that is where I first update! It's just super easy, you know, since I'm already on Facebook anyway! ha ha ha! Look for me personal page too......I'm more chatty there! Here's some pics of what I finished, but make sure to visit my website so you can see everything!
Since it's sooooo cold out today, I'm staying in and working!!!!!!!
Stay warm everyone!!!!!! Love ya!