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« she makes her smile...... | Main | Happy New Year! »

December 21, 2009


Dolores D. Pfeuffer

Hey Nicole,
Will you keep your blog going along with your patterns and dolls? Hope that's true and oh yes HAPPY NEW YEAR! Love the pictures of your family! Prayers still for your Mom!Dee

Joy Elaine

Oh... I only have Halloween Annies and I want more! Please please please keep it going! I'm hoping for a Valentine Annie soon! Wink wink

Kelly Williams

Your trees are beautiful! And the boys all look so happy! I am so sad that you are closing your site....PLEASE don't quit!! I check your blog at least ten times a day for updates, and the site for anything new!!! Are you still taking orders...I have my list ready...I told everyone cash for "babies" would be my perfect christmas gift...and they listened!!
You are to awesome to give up...and if you keep it up, I will pencil you in my monthly budget!! LOL

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