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December 19, 2008



Great pictures. C is adorable. Your cat looks like my Molly only she is very petite and almost 18 years old.

Karen F

How cute! I have so many gifts for nieces and nephews and cousins the boys would have a hard time trying to dig theirs out. Thats just too cute of C with his packages. I went to an outlet mall yesterday and was looking around at some books and saw one just for you so I will try to get it sent to you some time this week! You are always in my thoughts and prayers! Merry Christmas! Karen

Debbie Vierkant

That's hilarious that he was weighing his presents, kids what they think of what a cutie! That's too bad that it wasn't working for your comment on my blog. PLEASE try again and if it still doesn't work I will add you to the contest anyway. Have a wonderful Christmas!


Awwwww- his smile makes ME smile! He's a genuine, fine young man! You've done good hun! *pats you on the back*
Hahaha- he's about as analytical as you can get "Guessing". Now when he asked for the scale- I would have died laughing! You caught him! But at least he's not ripping and repairing the tape trying to PEEK! You should save the photos as your screen saver... oh wait- I bet you already did that :O)


When my daughter was his age, I used to put jingle bells or marbles in her packages--it would mess up her guessing everytime!
Sweet photos.
Happy Happy!
deede in Arkansas


Is he going to make it until Christmas? Too cute.


He is sooooooooooooooo cute!! What a beautiful smile and those eyes!!! WOW!!!



OH MAN that picture with the cat would have been a GREAT Christmas picture! C is so stinkin cute!!!! Almost as cute as my kids...LMAO just kidding!!!!

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