Well Christmas is now officially over. Sorta sad, and sorta glad! Christmas Eve was fun at my dad's. We did the ole Christmas Swap game, and I went with a present that I wanted...and stole it because I really wanted it, and come to find out....it wasn't what I "exactly" thought it was! UGH! So that means I burned myself! So I gave it to my mother in law. Ohwell...Christmas is for giving right? So what did I do the day after Christmas? Well I woke up to my alarm set for 5am and slapped some make-up on, and tried to curl up my hair a bit (showered the night before) and met up with my friend Vanessa and we headed out to the mall to find some GREAT deals! And that we did!!! I bought that pink tinsel pre-lit tree that Michaels had!!!! I wanted to buy it before Christmas but didn't....and sure glad I didn't because it was $39.99 and I got it today for $11.99!!! BIG SAVINGS! I cannot wait to put it up! It's going in my sewing room! I keep a tree year round in there! Maybe I'll tackle that tomorrow....as I am pooped today....as believe it or not....I took down ALL my Christmas decorations!!!!! Everything is packed up and back in the attic!!! I know...I'm early...but I generally do it the day after Christmas. Christopher was a bit sad to come home and see it all torn down.
So now that the rush is all over...it's time to get back to work! I've been slacking a bit lately, so I'm going to try and get myself back into the swing of things. Christopher is out of school the next 2 weeks....and he'll want to keep busy...but I want to try and get my sewing room back into shape after the last minute Christmas projects. I'd like to SLEEP IN every day until he goes back to school...funny huh? I would like to get some more dolls finished and on my website....and maybe some new designs....and maybe try some new stuff! And I'd really like to re-vamp my website, which means I'll need some help from my best friend Missy!!!!! She'll do anything for me if I ask nicely! So I will keep you posted when things change...and I've added some new stuff. And again..the sale is still going on!!!!! I'll keep it on until the last day of the month...then the dolls will be back to full price, unless they go to the "orphan" room! Please don't let that happen!!!!!